Saturday, September 3, 2016

How To Make Money Social Media Network 2016

How To Make Money Social Media Network 2016

Friends How To Earn Money From Tsu ?

Dear Tsu works same as Facebook, F But the only think is you earn money for doing f all the same activities. You just have to refer others to join F Tsu and follow you and add you as a friend. In short you have to increase followers and friends Now,and when you post something then you will earn money if someone likes, share and comment on your status and images.F
F After creating new account complete your account details like profile picture, cover and F other basic information.
F Then click Edit profile and all option will available in left sidebar and F you can checkout your earning from bank option.

NOW If you want to refer other friends to join you simply go to Settings >> F Then invitation option from right sidebar.
Dear Copy your refer URL and share it any where you want to get more follower and friends.
F More friends and follower will increase your reach and will help earn revenue.

Dear How Much User will earn ?
F Tsu is 90% revenue sharing network means all earning generate from your activities 10% will tsu take for its maintenance and F other costs to run company. F In other words you are not even earn a single penny from Facebook, F twitter for daily activities according to data we help Facebook to earn $1-$2 on avg of daily usages.F  But we didnt get anything. Tsu will provide all the earning they earn from there advertisers on bases of every user activities.F
F Suppose we have around 100 Friends and follower on tsu then we will earn around $2-$5 depend on F activities. So as your friends and follower will increase your earning will definitely increase. So total likes, F share and comments done by you on other friends also help to get exposure and help in increasing earnings.F
F Tsu earns from there Ads, F Reviews from which they distributed 90% share in users. 50% will be distributed in user with the help of this F amount is generated and rest of 40% is disturbed in family tree by the concept of 1/3 in infinite loop. F
F Suppose User A invite User B and further User B invite User C and so on. F If user c having follower and friend they will earn from it. 1/3 of F user c earning go to user B and 1/3 goes to user a amount earn by user B from referring earning.F  No doubt user B will not make any effort to earn more.F
F In short understand what is appearing in current earning balance is real amount F you will get. F No F amount will be deducted from it. F All the refer distribution and review F sharing is done in back end and Final earning will appear in your account. F Just understand if you able to make HZ 200 friends and followers your earning will vary from $5-$10. If you have more friends and follower you earning will increases.

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