Tuesday, August 30, 2016

For Old FaceBook chat

For Old FaceBook chat

                       Facebook is the No.1 Social Website in the world . Every one have a account in that. Especially Teenagers and College student must have a account in Facebook. In which they are share theirs status,photos and videos etc.


              Recently the Facebook team bring a new feature in Facebook chat. But most of the Facebook user hate this because that new FB Chat shows the Mixing of offline and online users.Here  I am going to show cool trick to change your Facebook new chat to old one. You have to do simple step for this.

                Just visit this website click here.    In this website you can see the Install now button in the right side. In there addons available for different type of browser like Chrome,Firefox etc. Just intalle it. After Install the addons you can see the Social reviver setting in Account tab.  Thats all now you can access the FB chat like old one. If you not comfortable with old chat just disable the SocialRevier in Account tab.

Available link for download